Appointments must not be made for a time that will interfere with any scheduled class. Book your doctor, dentist, business, personal meetings so that you do not miss any class. Nothing is more important than your education. (Emergencies excepted.)
Punctuality. Please arrive on time.
Tardy. If you must arrive late, make sure not to disrupt the lesson or any students in the class. It is better to arrive late than to miss the entire class.
If you arrive late, you must immediately sign the special attendance sheet for late arrivals.
Leaving. If you must leave early, make sure to send an e-mail to your professor before the class. If this is impossible, you should at least send an e-mail to explain why you left class early.
If you leave early, you must send an e-mail to explain why you left the class (before the end of the lesson). Please send a note immediately.
Please don't ask whether there was anything important covered in the class you missed. All classes are important. Everything we do in class is important.
Please let me know (before the day of the absence) by sending me an e-mail message.
Missing classes will cause you to have a lower mark in the course and perhaps even fail the course.
"Students have an obligation to attend their scheduled learning activities." - ISEP
"Students have an obligation to arrive on time and remain for the duration of scheduled classes and activities." - ISEP
"Students have an obligation to respect their teachers' right to formulate and enforce policies on lateness and attendance. Penalties for absences may include failure in the course." - ISEP
Weather - You must be mistaken if you think that the weather is really bad today.
If the weather were really bad, the College's Administration would certainly cancel classes for everyone.
Unless the College Website announces a cancellation of all classes, we must all assume that it is perfectly safe for everyone to travel in to the College today.
See you in class.
Penalty for absences:
No marks will be deducted soley for attendance. See Quizzes.
Justified absences = sickness, funerals, medical, intensive course activity, etc.
Justified medical absences require a doctor's certificate signed on the day of the absence.
"In the case of the medical certificate, it must clearly indicate that an absence on the day and time of the graded activity was justified." - see - ISEP
You will not lose marks for being absent. However, if you aren't present in class, you can't participate. If any marks are assigned for participation during your absence, you will not get a participation mark for that day.
Participation marks are given to those who are present and who participate in the class on that day.
Do not ask for an exception.
"Intensive course" activities (skiing, hiking, camping, etc.) that require an absence are considered the same as any other justified absence.
No marks will be deducted soley for attendance. See Quizzes.
Is it OK for the school to double-book courses so that there is a conflict in a student's schedule?
Is it OK for a student to knowingly sign up for two courses that will conflict?
Which course is more important? Who decides which course is more important?
If the student misses the intensive course's activities, will marks be deducted? Are teachers for intensive courses allowed to deduct marks for attendance? Why aren't all teachers allowed to deduct marks for attendance?
"Students have an obligation to attend their scheduled learning activities." - ISEP
If you aren't present in the classroom, you can't participate. You will not get a mark for participation if you are not present in class.
Lea Attendance "hours of absence" (example for a 1.5 hour class):
Please don't ask me whether there was anything important covered in the class you missed. All classes are important. Everything we do in class is important.
Religious Holidays: Students who wish to observe religious holidays must inform each of their teachers in writing within the first two weeks of each semester. Students will not receive credit for work not performed. It is the student's responsibility to fulfill the requirements of the alternative arrangements. - Institutional Student Evaluation Policy
You must let me know ("in writing within the first two weeks of the semester") by sending me an e-mail message.
Note that only the "students who make such arrangements will not be required to attend classes or take examinations on the designated days, nor be penalized for their absence". (dgurudata)
see also - McGill University (for information only)
Quizzes = Tests: Any evaluated in-class activity. Anything covered in class (such as homework, lab work, work described in the Course Outline or in the Readings & Preparation on my Website) will probably be evaluated in quizzes and will definitely be evaluated in the exams. Quizzes give me feedback about whether you are keeping up to date with the course. Expect a quiz every day.
If you are absent for a quiz (=any evaluated in-class activity) you will get 0% for that quiz (=any evaluated in-class activity) .
If you are late for the quiz you will get 0% for that quiz.
There will never be a chance to make up for a missed quiz.
The quiz may be given at any time during the class/lab.
Beginning: The quiz may be given during the first few minutes of the class.
During: A quiz may be given to any individual at any time during the lesson. A mark will be assigned for the quality of the response.
Over the course of the term, each student will probably be given several/many individual quizzes during the lessons. This will serve as part of the participation mark for the course.
Penalty: There will be a (cheating) penalty assigned for any student providing an answer to the student being quizzed during the lesson.
End: The quiz may be given during the last few minutes of the class.
Quizzes may be given every class. There is never any warning about any particular quiz. Just assume there will be a quiz every day.
A Quiz may cover any topic of information that has been covered in class, or that has been assigned for readings and preparations. Anything could be on the quiz. Be prepared.
In-Class Discussions or other In-Class Activities have the same rules as for Quizzes/Tests.
Participation = Lab Exercises & Homework& Class work
If you aren't present in the classroom, you can't participate. You will not get a mark for participation if you are not present in class.
In-Class Discussions or other In-Class Activities have the same rules as for Quizzes/Tests.