the Controlled Carb Lifestyle
- Warning!! - Not all of these products are available (yet?) in Canada. Let your local retailer know what you want and need. It is not yet easy to find good low-carb food. The Canadian mail order companies (see above) are currently the best source for low-carb foods in Canada.
- Atkins - Atkins bars, Atkins Ketchup, BBQ sauce, a nut treat called Sweet Nut’ns, different chocolate bars, candy, Atkins vitamins, Atkins bagels, bread
- Beer
- Sleemans low carb beer called "Clear" - 2g of carbohydrates and 80 calories per 341ml serving
- Regular beers have between 11 and 17 g of carbohydrates per bottle.
- Breyers - Carb Sense ice cream
- Carbolite - candy
- Carbsense MiniCarb - Sweet Corn muffin mix. Taco shells.
- Cheeters - low carb crackers
- Da Vinci sugar free syrup to put on the Atkins waffles made from a mix.
- Dreamfields Pasta
- Fruit
- La Tortilla Factory - Green Onion Tortilla (to make wraps)
- Steel’s - They carry sugar free jams, hoisin sauce, plum sauce.
Comments & Suggestions
- One of the most important keys that Dr. Atkins suggests is EXERCISE!!
- It is important to add a lot of variety in your meals to avoid boredom.
- There are many cookbooks that you can use.
- Alcohol
- Alcohol is not a carbohydrate. Alcohol is not fat, protein, or carbohydrate. It is a source of energy but not nutrients in any form.
- Low-Carb Alcohol – the Best and the Worst Beers, Drinks, Etc. - Diet Doctor
- Carbs in Alcohol
- Alcohol has 7 calories per gram; Fat has 9 calories per gram; Protein has about 4 calories per gram; Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram
- Carb Confusion
- Dummies
- The Canada Food Guide is killing you: 'The obesity epidemic… really began with our dietary guidelines' | National Post
- A higher-fat diet — one that has more fat than the current diet that limits fat consumption to 25 to 35 per cent of total calories — is healthier and a better disease-fighter than a low-fat diet, said Teicholz, citing more than a dozen reviews and meta-analyses that concluded saturated fat is not associated with heart disease and has no effect on cardiovascular mortality.
- The Montreal Gazette
- Sweet - and short - UdM scientists find link between sugar, aging - The Gazette - 2009-03-07
- IN PRAISE OF FAT - The Gazette - 2009-03-14
- Know the fats of the land - The Gazette - 2009-03-14
- | Studies on diet feed confusion over weight loss
- NYTimes -|$$$|- (CDN$20/4weeks)
- 15 Health Benefits of the Atkins Diet, According to Science (+ How to Get Started / Diet Plan) - Jen Reviews - Thanks to Jenn Miller for recommending this site.